
The supply chain automation software brings sustainability to its website

Analysed website:



Intuendi is the optimization software that enhances and improves demand planning processes for businesses. They offer a range of advanced features, including forecast tuning, warehouse management, and order management, seamlessly integrating with their enterprise systems. While optimizing the supply chain contributes to making companies’ logistics more sustainable, Intuendi has set an additional goal: to make their own website sustainable, combining physical sustainability with digital sustainability


In 2022, Intuendi conducted an initial measurement of their website,, to assess its emissions impact. Despite already having a favorable situation, with emissions 30% lower than the global median, Intuendi decided to further reduce its CO2e emissions by revamping their website. The positive outcome of their efforts was confirmed in the June 2023 measurement



CO2e emissions per page view compared to the global median in April 2022


CO2e emissions per page view compared to the measurement taken in April 2022


CO2e emissions per page view compared to the global median in June 2023

Benito Zaccone

“Ridurre gli eccessi di produzione ed ottimizzare gli investimenti sul magazzino sono alcune delle attività che svolgiamo quotidianamente per i nostri clienti. La crescita delle loro aziende è uno degli obiettivi principali, certamente, ma uno degli effetti più evidenti si vede proprio in termini di sostenibilità. È un tema a cui teniamo molto, facciamo del nostro meglio per ridurre l’impatto dei nostri canali e servizi digitali e siamo molto contenti che Karma Metrix lo abbia misurato e certificato”

– Benito Zaccone, Co-Founder & CEO of Intuendi

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