The Web Pollutes

Have you ever thought about that?

Every research on the Internet is responsible for the emission of 1,7 grams of CO2 into the atmosphere, half of those generated by the preparation of a cup of tea. A single server can produce1 to 5 tons of carbon dioxide in a year.

Sending an email can produce from 4 to 50 grams of carbon dioxide. Did you know?

CO 2 CO 2
What data say

For the Global Carbon Project, Internet is the 4th country in the world for CO2 emissions, both for the inefficient way websites are created, and due to the fossil fuels used to produce energy.

Energy is mainly used to feed:

  • Server machines and network infrastructures;
  • Cooling systems in data centers;
  • The devices used by users.

How eco-sustainable
is your website?

According to a Royal Society Study, reported by the World Economic Forum, the web would contribute to the global carbon emissions around 3.7% of the total (almost double of air traffic, wich contributes only for 2%).

How polluting is the web?

CO 2 CO 2

The energy consumption of data centers is like the


of the energy global request.

CO2 emissions of every gigabyte on the Internet

28-63 gr CO2

CO2 emissions produced by sending an email with attachments

50 gr CO2

CO2 annual emissions of a server

1-5 tons di CO2

Google itself is already running for cover! The search engine aims to be carbon free by 2030, and today it already makes more visible the greener websites in search results, the most eco-sustainable routes in Google Maps, the flights that produce less CO2 in Google Flights.

The less eco-sustainable your website is, the less competitive it will be on SEO.

can you

From this scenario, it was born the need to measure and reduce the CO2 emitted by websites. We have created the first journey to hel companies do this: Karma Metrix. Karma Metrix

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